Ways to use MAVLink protocol
- Use the Standard dialect
- Standard Dialect:here
- If our requirement is satisfied with the Standard dialects only, we no need to generate the source file and no need to use mavgen tool.
- One can directly use Prebuild libraries,here
- For C: here
- Generate custom library file
- If we have specific requirement which cannot be fulfilled by Stadard Dialect, need to generate custom library files.
- Code generators create software libraries for specific programming languages from these XML message definitions.
- These software libraries can then be used in the code.
- Transmitting messages can be done by using the mavlink_msg_*_pack() function, where one is defined for every message.
- Eg. mavlink_msg_gps_raw_int_pack
- The packed message can then be serialized with mavlink_helpers.h:mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer()
- Then writing the resultant byte array out over the appropriate serial interface.
- Used header file: mavlink_msg_obstacle_distance.h Primary variables
- uint16_t distances[72]
- uint8_t increment
- uint8_t increment
- float angle_offset
Testing MAVLink
- Need to create a conda environment in the PC.
- For that first need to install the miniconda in the PC from here.
- Using above link, install miniconda for your operating system.
- Run the downloaded exe.
- Do not give installation path of miniconda which contains space(s). If your user name has space, try to give “C:\Users\Public\miniconda3” this king of path.
- Open an anaconda prompt.
- Create a virtual environment with installing Python version of your choice using command: conda create -n environment_name python=3.10.4
- Active an environment using: conda activate environment_name
- Now, cd into the open-source-autonomous-vehicle-controller folder.
- Cd into the python folder.
- Run below command: pip install pymavlink
- Then run python script python mavcsv_logging.py
- Now, go to Device Manager and under Ports (COM & LPT), See the port number in the next line.
- In mavcsv_logging.py file, update the port number in mavutil.mavlink_connection() function.
- You will get a below error: PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'COM9'
- Because COM9 port was being used by Tera Term.
- Close the Tera term and try again running mavcsv_logging.py script.
- You will get a csv file, namely logfile.csv.
Useful Resources
For more information refer documentation.